Identity Crisis: Can European Civilisation Survive?: Rome – 13-14 March 2008


This conference was not organised by ICLA but ICLA members attended.

The conference, which attracted speakers and delegates from around the world, took place in the eternal city of Rome on 13 and 14 March. The venue for this first conference, organised by the European Freedom Alliance, was the European University of Rome, a private Catholic university. The impact of Islamisation and the issue of European cultural collapse was discussed in detail on the first day of the conference.

rome-conference-12The United Kingdom was well represented amongst the speakers. Excellent contributions were made by Baroness Caroline Cox (Member of the House of Lords), Douglas Murray (writer and Director of the Centre for Social Cohesion), Melanie Phillips (Daily Mail journalist and author of the important book ‘Londonistan’, and Professor John Marks (who was the co-author of ‘The West and Islamism: Is Ideological Islam Compatible With Liberal Democracy’.

rome-conference-2Other people of note included the great treasure of Judeo-Christian civilisation Bat Ye’or who wrote the book ‘Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis’ which I am sure that history will regard as one of the most important books of our age. Fleming Rose, editor of the courageous Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten, was there. He played an important role in exposing the threat posed by Islamism to free expression in his role in publishing the famous Danish cartoon series in 2005. Europe had heresy laws in the past and the Danish cartoons highlighted the danger of their return.

Three representatives from ICLA were also present at this important gathering. As with other conference this was a great opportunity for networking and consolidating the wider global network. As the prime function of ICLA is to act as a ‘network of networks’ this aspect of the conference was important in and of itself.