Section » Pakistan

Please let them live!
From World Vision in Progress: Please let them live! By Farrukh H. Saif The Universal Declaration of Human rights Article 18 stated as: “Everyone
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Pakistan’s Walk towards Sharia
By Meer Khan Negotiators representing Pakistani Taliban insurgents said that there could be no peace until Pakistan embraces Islamic Sharia Law and US-led forces withdraw completely from the neighboring Afghanistan.

Petition Against Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws
If you are a British citizen or a resident in the UK (you normally live in the UK) please consider signing this petition (link at bottom of this page and HERE). The

Pakistan Blasphemy Law Getting Even Worse
According to an article in a court in Pakistan has moved to ensure that the pushishment for blasphemy in that country will be death rather than life imprisonment.

Couple Arrested On Blasphemous Text Message Charge
A disabled Christian man, Shafaqat Emmanuel, and his wife Shagufta Kausar were arrested in Pakistan’s Punjab Province on suspicion of sending a blasphemous text message. It is quite remarkable that blasphemy is something

Hindu Refugees Protest About Religious Persecution In Pakistan
The problem of Pakistan’s persecution of religious minorities reached the doors of the United Nations headquarters in New Delhi on Wednesday. It came in the form of refugees who had needed to flee from Pakistan because they happened to be Hindu. They demonstrated to highlight this problem that

Attempt To Use Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws Against Yet Another Innocent Christian: The Case Of Jan Masih
People will read a great deal on the ICLA website about the dangers that are posed by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC’s) quest for a global blasphemy law. Blasphemy laws are nothing more than a bully’s charter. Blasphemy laws are a means of forcibly imposing one person’s religious

Christian Boy Was Killed Due To An Affair With Muslim Girl
The following is from our friends at World Vision In Progress News: WVIP-News A Christian boy named Mard-e-Khuda, resident of Tehsil Haroonabad, District Bahawalpur, aged 19 years was barbarically

Le Pakistan : « pays des purs » pour les musulmans, enfer sur terre pour les chrétiens…
Par Alexandre DELVALLE Le 3 décembre dernier, un fait tragique parmi tant d’autres est passé sous silence dans les médias occidentaux : une sœur catholique d’origine suédoise, BargettaEmmi, missionnaire depuis 40 ans au Pakistan, a été sauvagement assassinée par balles par des islamistes.

URGENT: Sign Petition To Free Rimsha Masih, the Christian Girl Accused of Blasphemy in Pakistan
Please sign the petition to Free Rimsha Masih a Christian Girl Accused of Blasphemy in Pakistan – Click HERE to Sign. The way Rimsha Masih