Anti Hindu Violence In Priyor Mor In West Bengal, India
Our allies over at International Unity For Equality (IUFE) have brought to our attention some breaking news from India. Sectarian anti-Hindu violence appears to have broken out in Priyor Mor in West Bengal. It is being reported that shopkeepers are being beaten up, shops looted and destroyed, and it is suggested that the Indian government does not appear to be taking adequate measures to deal with this situation.
More information can be found on the IUFE site:
By peter carter on February 20th, 2013 at 13:33
When will the indian government do something to protect the hindu people from the muslim murderers
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By IUFE on February 24th, 2013 at 18:17
Dear peter,
Indian Govt is now helpless they are busy for winning election and they are less concerned about the rights of Hindus in India.Almost all major media companies blacks out these type of pogroms. A silent form of Jihad is going on in the rural India, as its easy to deceive majority Hindus. Media people sometimes can not travel the interior parts of India and specially The Muslim Ghettos are very risky to travel without any security so hundreds of villages are turning as Muslim No Go Areas. In the bigger cities organistaion like MIM(MUTTAHEEDA ITTAHUDL MUSLEMEEN),SIMI( STUDENT ISLAMIC MOVEMENT OF INDIA) ,INDIAN MUJAHEEDIN,ALL INDIA MINORTY FORUM either they are rioting or killing people through bomb blasts.Most of the terrorists enters India via Bangladesh border and Kashmir border from Pakistan and finally they chalk out the plan to dismantle the integrity of this country.
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