Pro Freedom Groups At OSCE HDIM In Warsaw – Summary Of Document Submissions
The following are the links to the documents at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) in Warsaw:
International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA)
Official OSCE list of documents
- ICLA speech on dual interpretation of human rights (English)
- Answer to Mr Quaraishy from working session 10 (English)
- International Civil Liberties Alliance recommendation for working session 11 (English)
- Response to the US Delegation (English)
- 2012 Brussels Declaration (English)
- 2012 Brussels Declaration (Deutsch)
- Freedom of Religion (Français)
- Response to the Belgium Delegation (French)
Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (BPE)
Official OSCE list of documents
- The Right to be Silenced? (English)
- Right to Peaceful Assembly — Only For Some? (English)
- Which human rights? (English)
- Freedom of expression only for you or also for me? (English)
- Apostasy and its Consequences (English)
- Statement by Burgerbewegung Pax Europa-Austria (English)
- Position of BPE (Burgerbewegung Pax Europa) On Criticism of the German Interior Ministry’s Poster Campaign Against the Radicalization of Young People (Deutsch)
- Hate Crimes (English)
The Stresemann Foundation
Official OSCE list of documents
- Democratic states may not prohibit expression of opinion (Deutsch)
- There is no such thing as “Islamophobia” (English)
- There is no such thing as “Islamophobia” (Deutsch)
- Meinungsfreiheit — Menschenrecht oder Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit? (English)
- Meinungsfreiheit — Menschenrecht oder Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit? (Deutsch)
ACT! For America
Official OSCE list of documents
Islamophobia, Occupation and Slander — A sane perspective (English)