The Case Of Aasiya Bibi Illustrates Why the Organisation Of Islamic Cooperation Law To Restrict Freedom Of Expression Should Be Opposed

By • on March 6, 2012

The case of Aasiya Bibi is a heartbreaking catalogue of institutionalised injustice against a Christian woman in Pakistan.  What makes things even worse, is that Western leaders are currently collaborating with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to extend this institutionalised injustice to Western countries via the Istanbul Process.

Aasiya Bibi has been sentenced to death because it has been judged that the somehow insulted the Muslim Prophet Mohammad.  It seems that the insult came from Mrs Bibi’s devout Christianity and her refusal to convert to Islam.  The persecution of Mrs Bibi began when she said “Our Christ sacrificed His life on the cross for our sins…Our Christ is alive.”

This is an example from Pakistan and Pakistan is a member of the OIC that wants to get our rulers to impose a blasphemy law upon us in the West, a law that would effectively render our tradition for freedom of expression meaningless and invite the sorts of abuses that can be seen in this case.  The case of Aasiya Bibi illustrates why the OIC proposals are so insidious and why blasphemy laws are so wrong and contrary to the most basic human rights.

It is highly likely that the gradual acceptance of the OIC mantra will ultimately lead to the casual acceptance of the fanaticism and injustice that we see in Pakistan in the case of Aasiya Bibi.  We even see Muslims in Pakistan subjected to similar treatment because they are deemed ‘not Muslim enough’.  In the eyes of many fanatical Islamists the mere declaration of being a Muslim from a member of the Amadiyya sect can be regarded as blasphemy and therefore a hate crime!  So much for religious freedom under OIC norms!

Sign A Petition To Help Aasiya Bibi HERE where more information about her case is available.