People of Shambhala – New Human Rights Website Launched

By • on December 31, 2011

An interesting and insightful website has recently been launched called ‘People of Shambhala’. The Website can be found HERE. The website looks at the treatment of minorities in non-Western countries.

The West is increasingly demonised and lectured about human rights issues, Western culture is often denigrated, and Western values such as freedom of expression which is the guarantor of all freedoms systematically attacked, by bodies such as the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation which has recently attacked freedom of expression. This new website shows what is happing with regard to human rights in the non-Western world, in places where Western Enlightenment values are not practiced. Perhaps the West should think twice before dismantling its principles of free speech and equality before the law?

The webmaster of the site describes it as follows:

People of Shambhala is a new website dedicated to raising awareness of the discrimination, oppression, and violence suffered on a daily basis by minority religions around the world today, especially under Islamic or Islamist regimes.

We believe that, because of misplaced political correctness, the mainstream media has ignored the plight of minorities such as the Zoroastrians in Iran, the Yezidis, Baha’i, and Mandeans in Iraq, the Kalash in Afghanistan, Buddhists in Indonesia and Thailand, and others.

Many of these peoples have been ethnically cleansed, have suffered campaigns of rape and murder, have been burnt out of their homes, or have had their temples and holy sites destroyed.

In the last few weeks alone we have seen the arbitrary arrest, and denial of the basic human rights, of Bahai’s in Iran, as well as the exile of Mandeans from that country; the demonization of Zoroastrians in Turkish politics; and mob attack on Yezidis and the firebombing of their properties in Iraq; and the firebombing of a Hare Krishna temple in Denmark.

The Western media has chosen not to report on even one of these atrocities.

We believe it is time to stand up and to raise awareness off the plight of the victims, and to put an end to the terror that faces many minorities today.

You can get the latest news at Or follow us on Twitter:

The following video also explains the rationale for the site:

‘People of Shambhala’ is a site well worth visiting by genuine human rights activists in the new year of 2012.