Fifth Annual Counterjihad Conference Held in London on 24 and 25 September 2011
The Counterjihad conference was held in London on 24 and 25 September 2011. This was the fifth in the series of conferences following on from Brussels (2007), Vienna (2008), Copenhagen (2009), and Zurich (2010). There were representatives from Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, the UK, and the USA. The importance of the meeting was underscored by the presence of several leaders of the English Defence League including Tommy Robinson, Kevin Carroll, and Jack Smith. See the mission statement of the EDL here. The most important topic of discussion concerned the current political situation in Britain, particularly the unprecedented repression directed at the EDL and others advocating for policies of opposition to Islamization and sharia.
Participants from the Continent gave their own perspective, relating the struggle against repression in Britain to the larger European struggle against the illiberal regime in Brussels. Opposition to the European Union goes hand-in-hand with resistance to Islamization, because the immigration policies that are threatening European nations are guided and encouraged by the EU.
Various programs were discussed and — given the ideological bankruptcy of Labour, the Lib-Dems, and the Tories — the emerging formation of a new political party (British Freedom) in Britain.
Later meetings included members of the emerging British Freedom Party and a representative from UKIP (the United Kingdom Independence Party). BF shares concerns with ICLA and EDL that current policies encouraging mass immigration and Islamisation threaten our societies and governments.