The Continuing State Oppression and Harassment of English Defence League Leader Tommy Robinson

By • on January 13, 2011

On 11 January 2011 the charge of assaulting a police officer brought against Tommy Robinson was dropped.  It seems obvious that this false charge had been brought against him simply to intimidate him and other members of the Counterjihad.  To bring charges against him and then drop them the day before the date of his court appearance certainly suggests that this was always the motivation behind the bringing of the charge in the first place.  To compound matters and further demonstrate that judicial intimidation is the motive of behind the harassment of Tommy Robinson it now seems that yet another charge has been brought against Mr Robinson.  You can read about this over at Gates of Vienna.

The state has obviously decided to go after Mr Robinson specifically because the EDL has become so large and influential that it is about to expose the treason that successive governments and the elite behind them have committed against the British people.  The Labour Party might have found it convenient to import new Labour voters using a form of gerrymandering in which people rather than boundaries move.  They may have found it a hoot to deliberately undermine the voice of the British people by importing populations that are hostile to the British culture that it seems that socialism has always hated.  The Conservative Party and its prioritisation of the needs of global corporations and the rich elite who are members of “Davos Culture” rather than British culture, has meant that it has favoured mass immigration as a means of undermining the wage levels of the British people.  It seems that this strategy is starting to work as inflation in many cases now exceeds wage rises (which of course in real terms means that people are forced to accept a pay cut).  For the Conservatives the free movement of labour anywhere in the world is more important than the future existence of Britain as an independent country and as a cultural entity.

So, we have one wing of the political establishment demanding immigration because it believes it will be politically beneficial, and the other wing because it believes that it will be economically beneficial to the tiny elite that the Conservative Party is there to represent.  The true interests of the British people have been overlooked and every possible measure has been put in place to ensure that the British people are prevented from having their say.  The persecution of Tommy Robinson illustrates this perfectly as the full power and majesty of the state and its machinery of oppression are been mobilised to prevent one man who has managed to build an organisation capable of exposing the duplicity of an elite that put global and personal interests above the interests of the British people.

Democratic nation states are a barrier to the achievement of world revolution and a workers’ paradise, and they are an obstacle a single global market in which corporations rather than the people and their parliaments make the decisions that matter.  Tommy Robinson is a champion of the democratic nation state and such a leader, now that he has achieved such prominence, is a key obstacle to the selfish plans of the elite that lurks in the shadows and pulls the strings that matter in our society.