Archive for November 25th, 2010
Support the Gateshead 6 on Wednesday 15th December 2010
What about equality before the law in England? Are Muslims above the law? There is a name for law that puts Muslims first and treats non-Muslims as second class citizens. That name is Sharia. BlackfootEDL AKPC_IDS
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Islam or Freedom?
Mirrored from Gates of Vienna: “We will not accept Islamization.” It has taken several days to put together a complete English-subtitled version of Geert Wilders’ speech in Berlin. Mr. Wilders departed from his prepared
Weapon of Musical Defense – Album: Imagine Jihad Part 1 – It’s Just an Excuse
Some cool Counterjihad music that also has educational value with regard aspects of Islam as derived from Islamic holy texts. muhamhahahaha
Panorama: British Schools, Islamic Rules
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