Archive for November 21st, 2010
De zaak Asia Bibi: Pakistan nu, morgen Europa?
“De wetten tegen godslastering zijn in feite een instrument geworden voor moslims om aanslagen te plegen en om persoonlijke onmin of vetes te beslechten met christenen. (…) De moslims kennen de wet, en wanneer ze welke christen dan ook willen vervolgen, zetten ze gewoon door en beschuldigen de christen van godslastering ... Blasfemie-wetten
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English Defence League Mobilised And Ready To Support Tommy Robinson Who Faces Kangaroo Court Appearance
There will be a general mobilisation of the EDL for tomorrow’s court appearance by EDL leader Tommy Robinson. Tommy is accused of “assault on a police officer” when he confronted Islamists who has burned a makeshift poppy on Remembrance Day. If you look at the following video, the only
le communiqué de la LDF
Ligue Francaise de Defense LigueDefenseFrancais Avertissement aux musulmans qui croient que l’espace public peut être envahi sans conséquences. Depuis des années,
Communiqué from the LDF: French Defence League Demands Government Action On Illegal Muslim Assemblies
ThisHouseOfCards The following is a Communiqué from the Ligue Francaise de Defense (French Defence League) in response to continued illegal occupation of public spaces
Rabbi Nachum Shifren To Act As English Defence League Envoy In New Zealand
Rabbi Nachum Shifren, the ‘Surfing Rabbi’ will be visiting New Zealand in