Archive for November 20th, 2010
George Galloway Honoured by Hamas Leaders – Not Bad For A Dude Who Is Not A Hamas Supporter
The following video shows George Galloway being honoured by Hamas LEADERS, not the rank and file mind you, the leaders? Not bad for a dude who does even support Hamas, if you believe what he said to Tommy Robinson last night. I dread to think what he did for them. Was it the thing with helping the Gaza convoy, or did he do a lap dance for them in
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Video: Woman Condemned To Death Because Islam Is So Fragile It Cannot Take Even The Mildest Criticism – If This Is Islam In Practice Then Every Decent Person In The World Has A Moral Duty To Oppose It, Mock It, And Resist It
The barbaric authorities in Pakistan say that a women deserves to die because she “insulted Islam and the Prophet Mohammed”. If such action under Islamic norms causes someone to deserve to die then Islam needs to be insulted and the “Prophet” Mohammed’s vile deeds and despicable character need
UN War Crimes Tribunal Aided Continued Jihadi Organ-Harvesting in Kosovo
Years ago the UN War Crimes Tribunal could have prosecuted the jihadi Organ-harvesters in Kosovo and Albania. Instead they destroyed the evidence in order to avoid “confusing” the public with
United Nations Human Rights Council Undermining Human Rights – Watch Pat Condell’s Video
Here is Pat Condell’s video entitled ‘Human rights travesty’ shows how having Islamic countries on a human rights council is a contradiction in terms. This shows how the United Nations is well
Pat Condell – libertà di parola in Europa
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