EDL Leaders Given A Warm Reception By Ordinary People In The United States, Despite Harassment of Leader by Agents Of The United States Government

By • on September 16, 2010

Representatives of the International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA) had the pleasure and the privilege to meet members of the English Defence League (EDL) leadership team in New York last weekend.

We are a US based international organisation and it was an honour for us to welcome them to the USA, a country which has much admiration and respect for their efforts if the views of ordinary people are deemed worthy of consideration.  Some of us were with them at the airport after the shameful deportation of EDL leader Tommy Robinson.  We strongly condemn this action against a friend of the people of the United States by US border officials.  We wonder how much collusion took place at government level between the two countries.  We know that the British government want to censor the views of the EDL, but the US authorities have denied the American people the right to hear the opinions of this important British leader.  The British authorities might not like it, but Tommy Robinson is an important British voice now and he will grow more important in the future, especially as the British elite continue to hound and persecute him.

The scenes at New York’s JFK airport were reminiscent of the scenes in London’s Heathrow airport when another European leader, Geert Wilders, was subjected to similar outrageous treatment, that time at the hands of the British authorities.  It seems very clear that leaders of Western countries are very uncomfortable with our traditional right to free expression.  What authoritarian measures to subvert basic freedoms will the oligarchs who control our political processes revert to next?  The Western world is experiencing a crisis as our leaders attempt to subvert our constitutional rights and take away our freedoms.  Perhaps they think that we will all submit to their bully boy tactics and allow ourselves to be enslaved.  If they do, they are very much mistaken – such an approach will only solidify our resolve and make us even more determined.  It is time for Governments in the Western world to include members of the counter jihad in their deliberations.  It is time for them to talk to us and show a bit of respect and consideration for our views that are shared by many millions.  It is time for them to stop scurrilous accusations against us, it is time to stop them abusing our legal systems to try to gag us, and it is time for them to start to represent the views of those who elected them to political office.

In any case, the EDL leaders were allowed across the border were able to meet with a diverse range of people and make contacts with members of important organisations within the American counter jihad movement.  They were well received, and in many cases feted as heroes.  When the EDL lads unfurled their banners there was no shortage of American citizens who asked to be photographed with them.  The EDL made many friends while they were in America, friends who will support them through thick and thin, friends who share their goals and their vision.  It seems now that America and Europe are now acting as one, and united we can never fail.  It will be interesting to see how connections made between the EDL and the American Tea Party movement will pan out and develop in the coming months and years.

Thanks to this confluence of European and American and European counter jihad networks, the future prospects of the global counter jihad are bright.  Politicians on both sides of the Atlantic will have to take note and start to do something that they obviously find very hard – the ability to listen!  Perhaps then we will see a return to reason in the political process of Western Civilisation.


By Roger English on September 17th, 2010 at 4:00 am

Thank”s to all the American people for giving The English Defence League a chance to speak. in our own country this is hard to do has the British press seem to have a black out on us. But now there is a small chance that they will listen to us with your support thank you scenically from the Rowley Division of The EDL

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By Chris Wintle on September 17th, 2010 at 6:00 am

As a Birmingham West Midlands EDL Member i am happy that our American counterparts greeted us with enthusiasm and i hope we can work together to rid the threat of Global Islam

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By yoni lavi on September 17th, 2010 at 6:33 am

bless you edl america tea party movment dutch denish german italaians aussies canadians israelies and all those fighting against radical islam who want to eliminate us. this war is about our home’ like the war over britain . we need to remember mr churchil and what he represents. bless you all/ yoni from israel.

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By Brice English on September 17th, 2010 at 10:06 am

Thank you to all, for giving us the recognition and understanding for who we are and what we are trying to achieve, like yourselves in recognising and educating the people of the free world in our fight against our common enemey…Long the Free World and Our Freedom of Speech !!!
Thank-You once again from The English Defence Defence. S.I.N.A.O

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By Scott Lee on September 17th, 2010 at 4:12 pm

Thank you to the American people who greeted the EDL and accepted them so warmly. And thank you to James Dogs. ;)

Ours is an identical struggle and we and other European countries are much further down the line than you guys are but we watch events in the US with great interest as we feel that if any of us in the western world have the balls to stand up to this cruel and wicked ideology it will be you guys who take the lead.

Our cultures are so infiltrated by leftist, appeasing, apologist traitors that we have our work cut out for us. Please don’t let the US fall the way that we have. We all enjoy the freedoms that our fore-fathers fought and died for and we all stand to lose these freedoms if we do not stand up to the invasion of this tyrannical ideology of which we are currently being plagued by.

Stay strong US and do all that is necessary to drive these creatures back to the caves from which they reared their ugly heads.


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By RONNIE BURGESS on September 18th, 2010 at 3:00 pm

long live the west and no surrender ever to the islamic filth lets remeber that islam is not a religion its a disease and the fact is its spreading like wild fire and very soon the outrage on the streets is going to be clear for all to see
thank you to our american brothers and sisters for the warm warm welcome we love you and still to this day stand shoulder to shoulder with you ,,,EDL NS

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By Aeneas on September 18th, 2010 at 5:49 pm

Our American brothers and sisters have helped us in ways that we cannot publicize at this time but people should rest assured that they were very supportive and the results of that support will be evident in the months ahead.

There were EDL supporters acting incognito to the main group who met with some very interesting people who can help our cause in Europe in important ways. People should rest assured that EDL were not just attending a demo in New York, they were making friends and influencing people. I am confident that the work completed in New York will prove to be very useful to the forward progress of the EDL in the months and years to come.

The Americans are a wonderful people and their support for those of us who oppose sharia in Europe is greatly appreciated. I would say that the EDL has significantly increased its influence thanks to its recent visit to New York.

Watch this space.

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By babs on September 19th, 2010 at 12:43 pm

It’s so nice for a change to see something so positive written about the EDL. The British media are completely negative about their actions even so far as to lie blatently about them or media blackout, whichever they are told to do by the Government. I’m proud of them and so glad to read that many ordinary Americans are too.

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By christine on September 19th, 2010 at 4:20 pm

Thank you EDL for coming to the USA! We love you and support you all the way!

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By jason khan on September 20th, 2010 at 8:44 am

you arrogant animals of the EDL. Islam is a religion of peace, just try using what you have left of a brain and try reading about it. you twist things and when you get interviewed you just come out with absolute bullshit. there are certain islamic group who cause havoc on inocent people but they dont repreent islam because this great religion was fought with peace, every war is violent but islam was just so beutiful in the way it brought peace with all religions. read about it u uneducated members of the EDL. Hitler worshipping pricks.

By Nathan " dc" Gunn on September 24th, 2010 at 4:17 pm

Thank you to all the American citizens we met in New York, we received such a warm welcome and we were all truly humbled. We the English Defence League will always stand shoulder to shoulder with the U.S.A. No Surrender!

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By Scott Grayban on September 29th, 2010 at 6:35 pm

@jason khan

Calling people animals while trying to promote your “religion of peace” does not help you. But then again Islam is a 2-faced lying religion so we couldn’t expect any less from it.

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