A Desperate Time for Freedom: Free Geert Wilders – Please Help!
A list of all Dutch embassies and consulates abroad can be found at the following url: http://www.embassiesabroad.com/embassies-of/Netherlands#668
We strongly recommend that as many of you that have wide-spread contact lists, urge your friends and readers, to look up the relevant embassy in their home country, or in as many countries as they can handle, and write/fax/email the Ambassador and/or Consular staff on the travesty of Geert Wilders’ upcoming trial on January 20 2010.
There are fax numbers, addresses and in many cases, email addresses in the above list that can be used with great results.
You may want to mention the following 2-3 main points to be addressed:
- We note that Holland has always been a staunch ally of the West in its protection of Free Speech, now however, it seems that the old traditions have been abolished
- We abhor the decision of the Dutch Government and Justice Minister E.M.H. Hirsch Ballin to prosecute Hon Geert Wilders for hate speech on January 20 2010
- We urge the Government to immediately drop all charges and FREE GEERT WILDERS
By Cheryl Kamen on January 14th, 2010 at 08:31
Holland has always been a staunch ally of the West in its protection of Free Speech, now however, it seems that the old traditions have been abolished
I abhor the decision of the Dutch Government and Justice Minister E.M.H. Hirsch Ballin to prosecute Hon Geert Wilders for hate speech on January 20 2010
I urge the Government to immediately drop all charges and FREE GEERT WILDERS
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By Anna Lyttiger on January 14th, 2010 at 08:49
I am abhorred by the fact, that the dutch authorities are persecuting GW for telling the inconvenient truth. I can hardly believe my eyes.
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By Beach Girl on January 14th, 2010 at 14:36
I have just gotten off of the phone with the Dutch Embassy in Washington, D.C. – It is good to remind them that many Americans have distant ties with Holland because before many of our ancestors traveled to the Colonies, they fled from England to Holland to escape from persecution and possible death.
We have high regard for Holland and the Netherlands for being a place that harbored our ancestors. It is not too much to ask them to free Geert Wilders from this trial, this persecution on a charge of “hate speech” when he was only speaking the truth.
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By Hertfordshire EDL on January 20th, 2010 at 19:49
At least the truth will have to come out at court for all the world to see. The Dutch Government has shot itself in the foot here. Instead of trying to suppress his freedom of speech, they’ve just made his voice louder and more public with all the media attention worldwide.
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By E P on February 7th, 2010 at 01:53
Folks, you have to understand what drives these people: There is no greater calling than doing jihad in the name of Allah.
There are no Muslim fundamentalists, there is no radical Islam. There are only Muslims that adhere to the guiding principles of Islam and their duties as Muslims of spreading Islam; “there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger. ”
Mohammad’s revelations in Medina, after he had become a wealthy and powerful warlord, thru the concept of abrogation transformed “the religion of peace” . Thus replacing the former moderate and tolerant verses in the Koran from his revelations in Mecca with “better ones”. It is the duty of all believers to spread the truth: There is no God but Allah, and Mohammad is his Prophet. Some people believe in “choice” and, great news for those folks, there are three choices with Islam: Conversion to Islam at the point of the sword, dhimmitude, or death. They really like beheading, “strike at the necks of the infidels” (that’s us baby). There is no greater calling than doing jihad in the name of Allah.
Look at Geert Wilders on trial for offending Muslims, with his divisive hate speech by showing a bunch of clips from Muslim protests, the teachings of various Imams, and quoting various verses from the Koran.
The teachings of Islam are at right angles with the ideals of western culture “Is what I’ve said illegal if it’s true?
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